Kenya is known for its natural wealth, and mount Kenya is one of them. You can have a day hike at mount Kenya.

Kenya Day Hike

These are some of the Day hike and trail adventures in Kenya.

Looking for Day Hike in Kenya?

Ngong Hills

The hill of seven hills that is Ngong hills is an authentic charm, and if you genuinely indulge, she will reward you with her beauty. It’s the story of many who have experienced her.
The picturesque, she knows herself and her worth and is not here to impress; but here to be beyond the vast wind turbines that dot the hills. At each top of the MountainMountain is an out this view of Nairobi city to the East. On a clear day toward Kona Baridi, you could easily spot Mt. Kilimanjaro to the south. But the opinion of the Maasai wilderness will blow your mind as far as your eyes can see. Ngong hills have just what the doctor ordered for your optical nutrition.
As more is needed to the north, a perfect view of Ole Seyat and Oleseikut Hills is part of the Olo Oroka ranges. To the West, Mt. Suswa stands tall, and further West, you can locate Mt. Longonot; this is Ngong hills at its best, laying the Rift valley code down for you.
Distance: 22km
Time: 6 Hours
Highest Elevation: 2460m
Trail Rating; Moderate

Elephant Hill Aberdares

Just under 100km from Nairobi is Njabini Gate at an elevation of 2,500m; asl is the trailhead of one of Aberdare’s most sort and visited trails, offering a good challenge and beautiful views.

The trail is about 9km to the peak standing at 3,650m, and you return to the start by retracing your steps.

Mt. Longonot, Mount Suswa, and Mount Kenya to the East are from the horizon to the south.

The vegetation; Rain forest, Bamboo forest zone, and at last, heather and moorland

During the rainy season, the trail is extra challenging, especially in the bamboo section of the track.


Distance; 18km

Elevation Gain; 1050m

Time; 6-7 hours

Trail Rating; Moderat

Sleeping Warrior And Ugali Hills

Even in a lying position, the pink Lake that is Elementaita forms a beautiful foreground as the trailhead.
Located adjacent to Lake Elementaita and approximately 140 Km from Nairobi, the sleeping warrior hill mimics the Maasai Warrior. Noticeably, the peak or the summit resembles his nose from a distance. The locals associate the MountainMountain with a Masai Oloibon who died long ago.
The trail starts from Lake Elementaita’s main gate and runs along the shores of the Lake to the hot springs, where locals and visitors take a bath in the water believed to have healing powers, especially for the skin. It then proceeds to sleep warrior before ending in a sharp corner to the peak, which gives the potential climber a good view of the Lake.
The trail then descends towards the Eastern side for a short trek through rocky volcanic rocks before turning into a steep ascent to the Ugali hill (2,340m asl). The top of the MountainMountain provides a panoramic view of the Lake and the beautiful landscape of the rift valley. The trail then descends towards a dirt road at the foot of Ugali Hills, where the trek ends.
The trail allows the trekkers to view wildlife, birds, and a scenic view of Lake Elementaita and beautiful landscapes.
Distance 18km
Time; 6hours
Highest Elevation ; 2340m
Trail Rating; Moderate

Ole Sukut

An hour’s drive from the Nairobi branch off Magadi road at Kisames shopping center to the right. The hill forms part of the greater Olo Oroka ranges and lives in the shadows of the more glamorous Ngong.
Trailhead; the trail skirts to the left of this little hill dotted with acacia shrubs, then cuts across the plain of Olesekut. Then winds up onto Oloroka ridges that give you the beauty of Rift Valley, including the picturesque Ngong Hills.
From here on, the trail levels off at a high elevation and follows a ridge top with stunning V-shaped gullies running down and breathtaking sheer cliff drops. At the head of one of these side valleys is Kitalo Cave, a home for Maasai Morans during their period of living in the wild following their circumcision. Aside from the few herds of Maasai livestock grazing on the lower hill slopes, Olesekut is delightfully isolated from civilization. From its summit, you get magnificent views of both Ngong Hills and Mt Olorgesailie. It makes for a truly refreshing day of fun and connection.
Highest Elevation; 2100m
Distance; 16km
Time; 5-6 hours
Trail rating; Moderate

Kalembwani Arm Chair Hill

Carved like an armchair, it captures your attention from the highway, keeps you hooked, and is situated 100km from Nairobi near Salama town along Mombasa Road.
Start the trail from Mombasa road walking through the villages for about 7 km. You will see Kiou Hill and many other hills while at the summit.
Distance: 16km
Time: 6 Hours
Highest Elevation: 1890m
Trail Rating; Moderate.

Gatamaiyu Forest

Perfect for forest bathing, the trail commences at fisheries headquarters at Gatamayu forest and proceeds to the Gatamaiyu River. It then meanders through lush forest undergrowth as it hugs the river banks. A slow walk is perfect for taking in the forest atmosphere. It will help you relax and feel every part of the self.

The trail continues through the giant ferns and indigenous trees, providing a canopy along the river path. As you make your way upstream, shadow and light filtering through the canopy above seem to be engaged in a perpetual dance, as if moving to the bird songs and calls high above. Fallen logs lie undisturbed on the forest floor and across the river, providing sanctuary and nourishment to fungi, lichens, and micro-organisms that are part of this rich ecosystem. The occasional elephant footprints cross the trail, leaving large water-filled pools on the ground. Although it’s uncommon to see elephants on the way, the Kenya Forest Service (KFS) always provides an armed ranger or two just in case. You will likely get glimpses of Colobus monkeys’ colonies as they swing from branch to branch high up the trees and various species of birds found here.

The forest’s magic will amaze you, the beauty will calm you, and the co-existence of everything nature will awe you. It is the reason you are here to connect to be.

Along this road, you’ll find beehives used by the local community engaged in eco-friendly economic activities in the forest.


Distance 12 km

Time; 4 – 5

Elevation; 2200m

Trail Rating: E

Mount Longonot

Mount Longonot is located in the great Rift Valley near Lake Naivasha in Kenya, East Africa. The name Longonot comes from a Masai name Oloonong’ot, meaning “mountains of many ridges.” It is believed to have last erupted in the 1860s.

A unique feature is a thick forest within the Mountain’sMountain’s crater.

The trek to the top of this scenic crater starts at the floor of the Rift Valley. Then rising to the first resting point revealing for the first time the picturesque surrounding. Kijabe Hill to the right, the Eburu Forest straight on, and parts of Lake Naivasha can also be seen from this point.

The trails lead through probably the steepest and most trying mountain section through the acacia shrub to stand at the rim of the 7.2 Km crater. You can have a moment as you sip water and take in mother nature’s beauty. At this point, you can spot the Kilele Ngamia Peak, which stands at 2780M

After a well-deserved rest, it’s time to take on the 7.2Km encircle around the crater through the peak:

  1. It’s flat ground, overlooking Lake Naivasha, now in full view, and the surrounding flower farms.
  2. To the far left, it’s Hells Gate National Park, and still, on the right, Kijabe Hill stands tall now at eye level.
  3. Through the greater half of the crater, we stand at the peak to have a 360 degrees view of the world.

It’s Mt. Suswa to the south, Eburu Forest and Lake Naivasha to the North, Kijabe Hill to the East, and the expansive Hell Gate to the West.

Enjoy the views before taking the other half of the crater and retracing your steps back to the gate.

Distance: 14.2km

Time: 4-5 Hours

Highest Elevation: 2780m

Trail Rating; Moderate

Ragia Forest

The Ragia circuit starts at Sasumua Dam through the Chinas camp gate. It then proceeds deep into the thick bamboo forest and follows elephant trails down the valley to the pipeline.
The trail follows the left way and suddenly makes a steep drop to Sasumua River, which leads to a magnificent waterfall called no 18. From the waterfall, the trail leads to a sharp ascent back to the pipeline way left, forming a better part of the trail.
Again hit the bamboo trail to the 2nd cascading waterfall and famous Mau Mau cave, where Mau Mau generals like Field marshal Dedan Kimathi used to lead their troops.
The trail leads back to the bamboo forest from the waterfall, partially retracing steps back to the start point.
Distance: 16km
Time: 6 Hours
Highest Elevation: 2550m
Trail Rating; Moderate

Mount Suswa

Located near Suswa Town along Mai Mahiu- Narok road, Mt. Suswa is in the Great Rift Valley, Kenya, and only 90km from Nairobi. The MountainMountain is known for the caves in the crater.

Mt. Suswa stands at an impressive height of 2,356 ASL along the Rift valley.
Distance: 21km
Time: 7-8 Hours
Highest Elevation: 2356m
Trail Rating; Difficult
The trail gives you a vantage point of view of the two different worlds. Start near Mount Lonngonot Center, taking every flight of the natural staircase in pride, blessed by the beauty of Mt. Longonot from behind.
At the summit of Kenton Hill, we have 360 degrees views from the Aberdares to Lake Naivasha to Mt. Longonot to Mt. Suswa.10it is all yours to take in. Next, the trail heads down, aiming for a railway that slices the hill into halves. It follows the rails for about 45 minutes, then off down before reaching the hot springs and the tunnel commonly known in the local language as ‘Kamungu ka Nduma’ (the tunnel of darkness). If there is no running water, participants can try exploring the tunnel; therefore, a flashlight will help.
The trail gives you a vantage point of view of the two different worlds. Start near Mount Lonngonot Center, taking every flight of the natural staircase in pride, blessed by the beauty of Mt. Longonot from behind.
At the summit of Kenton Hill, we have 360 degrees views from the Aberdares to Lake Naivasha to Mt. Longonot to Mt. Suswa.10it is all yours to take in. Next, the trail heads down, aiming for a railway that slices the hill into halves. It follows the rails for about 45 minutes, then off down before reaching the hot springs and the tunnel commonly known in the local language as ‘Kamungu ka Nduma’ (the tunnel of darkness). If there is no running water, participants can try exploring the tunnel; therefore, a flashlight will help.
The trail gives you a vantage point of view of the two different worlds. Start near Mount Lonngonot Center, taking every flight of the natural staircase in pride, blessed by the beauty of Mt. Longonot from behind.
At the summit of Kenton Hill, we have 360 degrees views from the Aberdares to Lake Naivasha to Mt. Longonot to Mt. Suswa.10it is all yours to take in. Next, the trail heads down, aiming for a railway that slices the hill into halves. It follows the rails for about 45 minutes, then off down before reaching the hot springs and the tunnel commonly known in the local language as ‘Kamungu ka Nduma’ (the tunnel of darkness). If there is no running water, participants can try exploring the tunnel; therefore, a flashlight will help.

Kijabe Hills

The trail gives you a vantage point of view of the two different worlds. Start near Mount Lonngonot Center, taking every flight of the natural staircase in pride, blessed by the beauty of Mt. Longonot from behind.
At the summit of Kenton Hill, we have 360 degrees views from the Aberdares to Lake Naivasha to Mt. Longonot to Mt. Suswa.10it is all yours to take in. Next, the trail heads down, aiming for a railway that slices the hill into halves. It follows the rails for about 45 minutes, then off down before reaching the hot springs and the tunnel commonly known in the local language as ‘Kamungu ka Nduma’ (the tunnel of darkness). If there is no running water, participants can try exploring the tunnel; therefore, a flashlight will help.
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For more information or bo

For more information or booking, please fill out the contact form; we will be back in 24 hours.